2024-25 CLASSES
Winter Class Registration OPEN Now!
Have questions about classes or the right CLASS for your child?
Call: 484-995-2915

Email Therese to join wait list.
Acting Academy 2, Grades 5-6
Time to take acting to the next level. By using improv games, scripted scene analysis and acting exercises, students will discover the innovative techniques of Spolin, Meisner, Adler and Stanislavski. Students learn to find their objective in a scene, how to build a character, as well as how to analyze a script. This class concludes with a showcase of scenes.
Final Performance on last day of class at 12:30 pm.
Cost: $255 | Day: Saturday | Time: 11:30AM-1:00PM | Lessons: 8
Fall Schedule: Saturdays, Sept 21-Nov 9
Winter Schedule: Saturdays, Jan 11-Mar 1 (Snow Date March 8)
On Saturdays, consider also joining The Singing Artist from 1:15-3:15PM. Bring a lunch and enjoy it with friends in between classes.

Teen Acting, Grades 7-12
Teen Acting is setting the stage for solid professional acting habits. We start with proper warm-ups, get on our feet with theater games and improv, delve into script analysis and scene preparation, and work to get in tune with our instincts which brings out the truthfulness of acting, all while having tons of FUN in the process.
Every performer is different! We teach various acting techniques to find which one resonates with each actor. While the primary technique is Meisner Technique, other influences include Stella Adler, Viola Spolin, Terry Schreiber, The Barrow Group and Stanislavski. Familiar with this scene? Performers who have taken this class twice will have the option of working on a Shakespeare or Chekhov scene.
Final Performance on last day of class at 4:30 pm.
Cost: $335 | Day: Saturday | Time: 3:30-5:30PM | Lessons: 8
Fall Schedule: Saturdays, Sept 21-Nov 9
Winter Schedule: Saturdays, Jan 11-Mar 1 (Snow Date March 8)
On Saturdays, consider also joining The Singing Artist from 1:15-3:15PM.

Email Therese to join wait list.
The Singing Artist, Grades 5-12
It’s time to shine as a soloist, and glisten as a group. In The Singing Artist, performers develop healthy singing habits and discover how to interpret a song and perform a solo with the help of the David Craig Technique. Every performer receives individual vocal and acting instruction with our Musical Director and Director Therese Walden-Murphy. All classes and concerts will be accompanied by our Musical Director, giving performers the opportunity to learn to lead an accompanist.
Cost: $375 | Day: Saturday | Time: 1:30PM-3:30PM
8 Lessons plus additional rehearsals for Holiday Cheer Concert on Main Stage:
Monday, Nov 18: 4:30-6:30pm, Saturday, Nov 23: 10:30-1:30pm, Monday, Nov 25: 4:30-7:30pm, Wednesday, Dec 4: 4:30-7:30pm
Holiday Cheer Concert: Dec 6
Call time: 4:30pm
Show at 5:00-6:15 pm.
8 Lessons plus additional rehearsals for Future Stars Benefit on Main Stage:
Sunday, Mar 2: 1:00-4:00pm, Sunday, Mar 9: 1:00-4:00pm; Friday, Mar 14: 4:30-7:30pm
Future Stars Benefit:
March 15: Call time 12:30pm, Show at 2:00pm.
On Saturdays consider joining our Teen Acting class from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Email Therese for More Information
Uptown Singers, Grades 6-12
The Uptown Singers gives your performer pre-professional musical theatre training, teaching soloists to listen to the lyrics of a song as well as themselves, all while telling a story. The Uptown Singers will create a cabaret-style show of solos, duets and group numbers which is then performed at multiple area locations and events. Performers continue to develop the skill to carry a harmony line, perform a solo of professional quality and dance.
It is recommended that performers take The Singing Artist (formerly WCStudio Singers), or Glee Week camp at least once before auditioning for Uptown! Singers. Admission is by audition only.
To Audition: Performers need to submit a video of a song which highlights their vocal strength and ability to interpret and perform a song.
Submissions need to be received by: Midnight on December 8th, submit all videos to: therese@uptownwestchester.org
Callbacks: Tuesday, December 10th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Anyone being called back will need to learn a short harmony and sing it at the callback. We will also have a short dance call.
Cost: $400 | Time: 6:00-8:30PM
10 Lessons plus additional rehearsals for Holiday Cheer Concert on Main Stage:
Monday, Nov 18: 4:30-7:30pm, Saturday, Nov 23: 10:30-1:30pm, Monday, Nov 25: 4:30-7:30pm, Wednesday, Dec 4: 4:30-7:30pm
Holiday Cheer Concert: December 6
Call time: 4:30pm
Show at 5:00-6:15 pm.
10 Lessons plus additional rehearsals for Future Stars Benefit on Main Stage:
Sunday, Mar 2: 1:00-4:00pm, Sunday, Mar 9: 1:00-4:00pm, Friday, Mar 14: 4:30-7:30pm
Future Stars Benefit: March 15
Call time: 12:30pm, Show at 2:00pm.

Acting for the Camera, Grades 6-12
Fall Class: Discover what goes into auditioning for and shooting TV commercials as well as using a teleprompter. All performers will work with a professional actor as they shoot multiple commercials, then watch the playbacks and discuss improvements made. A few classes will be spent on learning how to use a teleprompter. The most exciting discovery performers make is realizing how important it is to bring their unique personality to the camera.
Winter Class: Work with a professional actor/director as you learn to navigate the world of TV and Film. During each class of shooting, performers will watch their work, discuss improvements made and discover adjustments which will improve their performances. In addition everyone will learn the process of TV and Film auditioning as well as set etiquette.
Final Performance on last day of class at 5:30 pm.
Cost: $255 | Day: Monday | Time: 4:30-6:00PM | Lessons: 8
Fall Schedule: Mondays, Sept 23-Nov 11
The Focus will be on TV Commercials/Teleprompter
Winter Schedule: Mondays, Jan 13-Mar 3 (Snow Date March 10)
The focus will be on TV & Film Scenes
On Mondays, consider also joining Audition Prep.

Audition Prep, Grades 6-12
Discover what everyone wants to know: How to give a great audition! Learn to bring yourself into the audition room using your unique self. You will walk out of this class with a performance ready monologue, resume, and knowledge on professional headshots. In addition, you will develop an understanding of how to give strong theatre and musical theatre auditions, waiting room etiquette, gain cold reading skills, and learn how to create a self-tape video submission!
Final Performance on last day of class at 7:00PM.
Cost: $255 | Day: Monday | Time: 6:00-7:30PM | Lessons: 8
Fall Schedule: Mondays, Sept 23-Nov 11
On Mondays, consider also joining Acting for the Camera.

Discover what everyone wants to know: How to give a great musical theatre audition! Learn to bring yourself into the audition room using your unique self. You will walk out of this class with a performance ready 16 measure cut, 32 measure cut, and full audition song! In addition, you will learn how to work with an accompanist, mark your music for auditions, create video submissions, how to choose audition songs, what to expect at musical theatre auditions, and gain a stronger understanding of music! Classes will be taught with both a professional Director and Music Director. Due to the abundance of materials learned throughout this course, there will not be a recital.
Final Performance on last day of class at 7:00PM.
Cost: $255 | Day: Monday | Time: 6:00-7:30PM | Lessons: 8
Winter Schedule: Mondays, Jan 13-Mar 3 (Snow Date March 10)
On Mondays, consider also joining Acting for the Camera.

Improvisation, Grades 6-12
Let your performer discover the joys of improv by utilizing their own innate sense of play, curiosity and authenticity. Through coaching, exercises, creative games and short-form scenes, students will learn how to be more spontaneous, trusting and cooperative. These skills will not only help your performer as an actor but also at school in learning how to connect with people socially. This class is all about jumping in, having fun, playing hard, working together and finding your voice.
Final Performance on last day of class at 5:00 pm.
Cost: $200 | Day: Tuesday | Time: 4:30-5:30 | Lessons: 8
Fall Schedule: Tuesdays, Sept 24-Nov 12
Winter Schedule: Tuesdays, Jan 14-Mar 4 (Snow Date March 11)

Advanced Improv, Grades 6-12
Let’s take: “Yes, And” to the next level! This class will continue to teach more and more advanced Improvisation games and exercises as well as short form scene.
Final Presentation on last day of class at 6:45 pm.
Cost: $210 | Day: Wednesday | Time: 6:00-7:15 pm | Lessons: 8
Fall Schedule: Wednesdays, Sept 25-Nov 13
Winter Schedule: Wednesdays, Jan 15-Mar 5 (Snow Date March 12)
Classes: If you withdraw from a class up to two weeks before the start date, you will receive a credit for the full registration amount, minus a $20 processing fee. This credit can be applied to a future Uptown Studio class or camp. No credits or refunds will be issued after this period. Credits are valid only for Uptown Studio classes and camps and cannot be used for performance tickets at Uptown.
Summer Camps: If you withdraw before May 15, you will receive a credit for the full registration amount, minus a $50 processing fee, to be applied to a future Uptown Studio class or camp. After May 15, no credits or refunds will be issued. Credits are valid only for Uptown Studio classes and camps and cannot be used for performance tickets at Uptown.
Returned Checks: A $45 fee will apply to any returned checks.
Please note: Uptown Studio does not issue refunds. Credits towards future classes or camps are the only form of compensation offered.