2024-25 CLASSES
Winter Class Registration OPEN Now!
Have questions about classes or the right Class for your child?
Call: 484-995-2915

Acting Academy 1, ages 8-10
This on-your-feet, team building, high energy, creative-thinking class is for any student who likes to have fun while taking on a challenge. Performers will use improvisation, theater games and exercises, to help develop their characters and use their imagination for their final performance of a short play.
Final Performance on last day of class at 11:00AM.
Cost: $255 | Day: Monday | Time: 10:00-11:30AM | Lessons: 8
Winter Schedule: Mondays, Jan 13-March 3 (Snow Date March 10)

Acting Academy 2, Ages 11-13
Time to take acting to the next level! By using improvisation games, acting exercises and techniques students will learn to bring their unique self to any character or real life experiences. Acting Academy 2 will not only help you develop as an actor but also help students connect with their instincts and true self. This class will conclude with a showcase of scenes for friends and family on the final day of class.
Final Performance on last day of class at 2:30PM.
Cost: $255 | Day: Monday | Time: 1:30-3:00PM | Lessons: 8
Winter Schedule: Jan 13-March 3 (Snow Date March 10)
Classes: If you withdraw from a class up to two weeks before the start date, you will receive a credit for the full registration amount, minus a $20 processing fee. This credit can be applied to a future Uptown Studio class or camp. No credits or refunds will be issued after this period. Credits are valid only for Uptown Studio classes and camps and cannot be used for performance tickets at Uptown.
Summer Camps: If you withdraw before May 15, you will receive a credit for the full registration amount, minus a $50 processing fee, to be applied to a future Uptown Studio class or camp. After May 15, no credits or refunds will be issued. Credits are valid only for Uptown Studio classes and camps and cannot be used for performance tickets at Uptown.
Returned Checks: A $45 fee will apply to any returned checks.
Please note: Uptown Studio does not issue refunds. Credits towards future classes or camps are the only form of compensation offered.